Day: April 20, 2023

10 Key Pest Control Tips for Businesses10 Key Pest Control Tips for Businesses

Commercial pest control is an invaluable part of your business, with your pest prevention plan either costing or saving you a tremendous amount of time, effort, and money.

Failing to plan ahead can have severe consequences in all aspects of your business, but none more so than in regards to pest control.

In the social media world we live in, news that you have been suffering with a pest infestation will spread rapidly in the local community and can lead to some pretty awful reviews, especially for hotels, restaurants, and others in the hospitality industry.

If you have found evidence of pests on your premises, it is vital that you call your local pest control Manchester professional immediately to limit the damage done. However, by far the best approach is to have a pest control expert visit your site on a regular basis as part of a preventative pest control plan that stops issues from arising in the first place.

pest controller

In the meantime, it is vital that you and your staff maintain best practice when it comes to dealing with pest species, and here are 10 key steps that you should take that will significantly reduce the risk of an infestation.

1)    Store rubbish securely

Food waste and other trash is like a magnet to pest species, and they thrive in open recycling and general waste bins.

Make sure that your bins, both interior and exterior, are fitted with secure lids and are cleared out regularly. Split rubbish bags can leave residue of food or drink on the side of the bin so don’t forget to wash out the bin itself as well as removing the contents.

2)    Keep food fresh

An invaluable hygiene tip for many reasons, food should always be used when fresh and never allowed to go rotten at the back of your fridge or storage room.

Flies and other insects will be attracted by the stench of rotten food and may well contaminate the fresh stuff nearby once on the premises.

3)    Install door sweeps

Pests come in all shapes and sizes, and many get fit through extremely small gaps, including the tiny slither space underneath your doors.

Door sweeps will eliminate one possible entry points for pest species and are one of the most cost-effective and simple pest prevention steps to take.

4)    Avoid putting food residue down commercial drains

Putting food, particularly oily food, down your drain is never a good plan, with the potential to cause blockages and other major drainage issues.

If food gathers in your pipework as a result of a blockage, or residue remains around the floor drain itself, this could well also attract pest species as well.

5)    Create a pest repelling garden

Certain plant species look great to both humans and pests and planting them in or around your property will increase the risk of an infestation.

However, there are other plants that certain pests detest and will steer well clear of, making them perfect for use in your business premises. For example, mint, lavender, and citronella have all been shown to repel insects, whilst giving your business a lovely pleasant aroma.

6)    Remove stagnant water

Standing water is another attraction to insects such as mosquitoes looking to breed and others such as cockroaches, thrive in all damp and mould covered areas.

Make sure that all spillages are cleared away promptly and that the area around your property is fitted with appropriate drainage to avoid flooding.

7)    Have your gutters cleaned

Blocked gutters can lead to an increase in standing water and a build up of debris in which pest species can thrive.

If can also lead to structural damage and a variety of other non-pest related problems so it is a good idea to have your gutters inspected and cleaned on a regular basis.

8)    Have your roof inspected

When looking for potential pest entry points around your property, don’t forget about your roof. Birds and squirrels will often exploit small holes in a roof or fascia to gain access to the attic of a building and build their nests.

Squirrels made even make their own holes, but either way you should either conduct a visual inspection of your own roof, or hire a professional to do it.

9)    Dry out your mop

One of the simpler tips on this list but an important one nonetheless. Dirty mops combine damp and a variety of food debris, creating the optimal conditions for pests such as flies and cockroaches to thrive.

10) Hire a pest control professional

pest control manchester professional

You have a busy business to run, and constantly working to seal your property from pests is a major addition to your work load.

The most sensible thing to do is to hire a professional Pest Control Manchester BPCA professional to carry out routine pest prevention on a regular basis, keeping you, your property, your staff, and your customers safe at all times.